Trips (Thrips tabaci): Damages and Control Methods

Thrips (Thrips tabaci) is a harmful insect that has become a big problem in agricultural fields and gardens. It causes serious damage by feeding on the leaves of the plants and can reduce the yield of the product. In this article, we will provide detailed information about thrips (Thrips tabaci) and consider effective control methods against this pest.
What is Trips?
Thrips (Thrips tabaci) is a species of small insects belonging to the order Thysanoptera. The thrips, which is usually 1-2 mm long, has a slender and elongated body. They have wings and can move quickly. Thrips species can have different colors, but Thrips tabaci is usually seen in yellow or light brown.
What is Trips Damage?
Thrips (Thrips tabaci) is one of the harmful insects belonging to the Thysanoptera class and it attacks the leaves of the plants and causes serious damage. Thrips feeding on the leaves absorb the cell fluid of the plants and cause wilting, spots, drying and deformation of the plant. In addition, thrips can contribute to the spread of fungal diseases with their external secretions on plants. This pest is commonly found in various agricultural products, especially vegetables, fruits and ornamentals.
How to Destroy Trips (Thrips tabaci)?
To combat trips (Thrips tabaci), you can use the following methods:
a. Cultural Struggle Methods: Take care of plant hygiene to reduce the spread of thrips and control its damage. Clean up litter leaves, plant debris and weeds.
b. Biological Control: You can control the population of thrips by using their natural enemies. As an example, you can use beneficial insects or spiders, which are predators of thrips.
c. Chemical Control: You can use suitable insecticides to combat thrips. At this point, BKS Plant Protection offers suitable insecticides for the control of thrips. The correct use of insecticides that are effective and not harmful to plants is important.
d. Physical Challenge: You can use physical control methods such as sticky traps to catch and control thrips. For example, sticky traps, yellow sticky traps, or traps with pheromones can detect thrips.
Thrips (Thrips tabaci) is an insect that damages the leaves of plants and becomes an important problem in agricultural production. You can use cultural, biological, chemical and physical control methods to minimize the damage of thrips and keep its population under control. By using the right control methods, you can protect your plants from thrips damage and obtain a healthy agricultural or garden environment.